What is shared value?

Shared Value is a competitive business strategy that reconnects profit with purpose.

It represents a shift in business mindsets to find new ways to do business that are more efficient, more innovative, reach more markets, and make companies more sustainable over the long term – while also being less harmful to the environment, less onerous for employees, less neglectful of the value chain and less exclusionary.

Business is inextricably linked to society. Social and environmental issues affect the way that people engage with products and services, the way that they choose to spend their money and, particularly in this hyperconnected era, how they feel about the brands that surround them. Natural resources are finite, and if they are not collected and used thoughtfully, they will run out. It makes good business sense to address the societal challenges that also present business challenges – infrastructure, consistent power supply, and more.

Creating Shared Value is about creating economic value and value for society – Profit with Purpose.

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“Development is about more than money, or machines, or good policies – it’s about real people and the lives they lead ”

– Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda

The Shared Value Africa Initiative (SVAI) is a pan-African organisation and the regional partner of the global Shared Value Initiative business network that are drawn together through a common purpose: to assist and collaborate with organisations to create Shared Value and build prosperous and sustainable economies and societies through focussing on Profit with Purpose. There is a real need for African-driven solutions for African challenges. Adopting a Shared Value business model enables innovative, forward-thinking business to find growth opportunities in addressing social and environmental challenges using the UN Sustainable Development Goals as the guiding principles.


To build Africa’s most impactful Shared Value business network.


Bringing together businesses and business communities from across Africa to build Africa’s most impactful economies, create long-term sustainability and economic viability.


Through partnership with a variety of stakeholder groups, including regional and national corporations, non-profits, multi-and bilateral development agencies and foundations, we break down silos and barriers that is holding us back and scale initiatives and together create the Africa we want.


Collaboration is key to Africa realising its potential. Business has the power and the responsibility to create economic value, address environmental issues and create value for society. Africa has many challenges, yet therein lies the opportunities for sustainable growth and profit potential.


We have worked tirelessly since our inception on Africa Day, 25 May, 2018. Between then and the end-2022, here is what we achieved:

111 engagement platforms

15 countries

4302 companies

12 research initiatives

9060 people