Christelle Kwizera


Christelle Kwizera is a Rwandan social entrepreneur. She founded Water Access Rwanda in 2014 to address water scarcity and youth unemployment in Rwanda one year before she graduated magna cum laude in Mechanical Engineering.

Under her leadership, Water Access Rwanda is recognized for being innovative in the water sector. It was the first from Rwanda to win the Africa Entrepreneurship Award, the EDF Pulse Africa Award, WeEmpower SDG challenge, INCO women Entrepreneur of the year. It is also recognized as a Youth SDG innovator by UNSDSN and was more recently dotted with the Jack Ma Africa Business Heroes Award and funded as a transformer through IsDB’s Transform Fund.

Christelle is a Resolution fellow, a Sierra Club GPEP fellow and a MILEAD fellow; all awarded on account of her leadership in addressing social issues, particularly those tied with environmental justice and Youth issues.